Gu Xiaoan
发布时间: 2018-04-15    浏览次数: 17


NameGu Xiaoan

TitleAssociate professor



Office AddressRoom 1017 of Business School

Research InterestsFinancial management,

accounting, finance, auditing, assets evaluation

Personal Information:

Education BackgroundUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology, doctor degree major in management

Work BackgroundUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Business School of management, the dean of Accounting Department

Research AreaFinancial operations, financial forecasting, audit risk, asset valuation, risk management, credit management, strategy and marketing

Teaching Courses: Property assessment, advanced research, development of the audit, the regional fiscal and financial strategy


Research Achievement:


[1] Gu Xiaoan, Zhu long. Study on the measurement of a single bank short-term stability level. Management comments. 2016 (2)

[2] Gu Xiaoan, Qiu Qiong. Increases the financial risk using derivative financial instruments?.Shanghai financial. 2016 (8)

[3] Gu Xiaoan, Gong Yao. Regional economic concentration and regional financial stability – a case study of Jiangsu Province. Journal of Nanjing audit University. 2016 (1)

[4] Gu Xiaoan, Zhao Jing-Ching. Capital structure trends, four-quarter earnings management and management control. Modern finance and economics. 2016 (12)

[5] Gu Xiaoan, Wang Peng. Non-interest income ratio and Bank risk effect-from the United States on the relationship between banking experience and inspiration. Research on the world economy. 2015 (7)

[6] Gu Xiaoan, Yuan Yamin. Liquid assets, and debt ratio fluctuation and bank failures-from America's banking experience of relationship between evidence and analysis of bank failures. Shanghai financial. 2015 (5)

[7] Gu Xiaoan, Feng Yuanyuan. Study on optimal options contracts traded in the stock purchase and sale. Journal of Nanjing audit University. 2015 (01)

[8] Wang Peng cheng, Gu Xiaoan, Zhang Tao. Based on the stability of commercial banks from the angle of study on the optimal proportion of non-interest income. Shanghai financial. 2015 (01)

[9] Gu Xiaoan, Li Yi. Grey relational analysis in the assessment of risks of material misstatement of the law application. Journal of Nanjing audit University. 2014 (5)

[10] Gu Xiaoan, Do Phuong straightening. Study on effects of city commercial banks operating across regional classification-based on the credit scale, dispersion of risk and profitability in three dimensions. Shanghai financial. 2014 (3)

[11] Gu Xiaoan, Zhang Tao. Study on marketization process of interest rate in the commercial banks ' financial stability. Southern financial. 2013 (10)

[12], Zhang Tao, Gu Xiaoan, Do Phuong straightening. Of differences in financial development in the Yangtze River Delta region and convergence analysis.Technology and management. 2013 (5)

[13] Gu Xiaoan, Meng Xiang. Maturity evaluation of the core competence of Chinese commercial banks. Shanghai financial. 2013 (2)

[14] Gu Xiaoan, Zhou Hong. Discussion on individual banks financial stability assessment. The financial Forum.2012 (10).


1. Gu Xiao-an. -The idea Bank marketing strategy tips. University Press. 2011.

2. Gu Xiao-an. Financial management-the practice and case (Second Edition). University Press. 2011.

3. Gu Xiao-an. Identification and prevention of problem loans (third edition). University Press. 2016.

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